Meets once per week online on Saturday for 90 minutes. We read major works in the agile cannon such as The New New Product Development Game and work together to apply our learning to our work and life. We will read the following three books: Co-active Coaching: Changing Business, Transforming Lives, Digital @ Scale: The Playbook You Need to Transform Your Company, and Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. This qualifies for at least 18 Scrum Alliance Category B SEUs. The homework and final project may also qualify for SEUs.
30 minutes: Summary of key learning points from reading
10 minutes: Quiz that covers the weekly reading
30 minutes: Lean Coffee
10 minutes: Applying the learning at work and at home
10 minutes: Next week’s reading and homework
Donation: $1,997-$0 for 12 sessions (18 hours). Please donate at midpoint or higher, if possible.